In the media
For media inquiries with Kylea Tink please email: [email protected].
Kylea on: North Sydney Pool, Council Rates & Gambling
ABC Radio, 4 February 2025
Kylea discusses the context behind North Sydney Pool, increasing council rates and calls for a total ban on gambling on ABC Radio this morning.
Kylea on ABC News
ABC News, 31 January 2025
Kylea has featured in an ABC News story on the electoral battle in Bradfield and the future of the Independent movement.
Cammeray battery brings cheaper energy to locals
Energy Today, 29 January 2025
Kylea helped launch the first community battery in Cammeray, set to deliver cleaner and more affordable energy to local households, saving residents up to $200 a year.
It starts & ends with us.
Statement, 17 January 2025
Kylea's statement on the ceasefire in Gaza, and racism across our country.
Teals call out ‘political mudslinging’, but hold back on Anthony Albanese
The Australian, 16 January 2025
Kylea is among the independent MPs calling out major party leaders to end personal attacks and instead "...should be rising to the occasion rather than sinking into the sandpit," in lead up to the federal election.
‘Abhorrent catch-22’: Labor still consulting on promised first-term insurer regulation
The Australian, 14 January 2025
Kylea has criticised the Albanese government for a ‘cruel’, ‘confusing’ delay to the universally supported ban on insurers exploiting genetic test results, calling for the legislation to be tabled in February sitting weeks.
As the world burns, young Australians are feeling disbelief – and looking for answers
The Guardian, 13 January 2025
Anjali Sharma has reiterated her call for a Duty of Care Bill, in the wake of the LA Fires in a piece in The Guardian. "The Earth is burning. As young people everywhere rage against short-termism and demand their politicians consider their long-term needs, only to be ignored, I feel angry," she says.
The last goodbye?
North Shore Living, 19 December 2024
Michelle Giglio, Editor in Chief of North Shore Living has written a piece on Kylea, reflecting her time in Parliament and her achievements to date.
‘Overlooked by policymakers’: Kylea Tink calls for a national approach to end technology-facilitated abuse
Women's Agenda, 17 December 2024
Tink puts forward 12 recommendations to limit access to technology for perpetrators amidst this growing form of abuse. “Australia cannot tackle domestic and family violence if we do not tackle technology-facilitated abuse. It’s time for all levels of government around the country to come together and develop a national approach to tackling technology-facilitated abuse.”
Kylea on ABC Radio calls for action on Technology-facilitated abuse
ABC Radio, 17 December 2024
Kylea is on ABC Mornings discussing the launch of her report on Technology-Facilitated Abuse, which calls on governments to take on and implement her proposals to address this growing form of abuse.
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Kylea's newsletter hits the inboxes of people right across our electorate of North Sydney. Stay up to date with Kylea's plans and progress as she tells us about her week speaking with people in our community. We'll also highlight the latest community events and initiatives to get involved with.