Urgent climate action led by facts, not politics
This is the critical decade for climate action. The decisions made in the next three years will fundamentally affect our children’s and their children’s future.
Kylea has committed to working towards:
- A clear and actionable plan to reduce national emissions guided by experts to achieve at least 60% by 2030.
- Removing the politics from the climate debate by introducing an independent climate change body to develop an evidence-based plan to achieve net zero by 2040.
- Active collaboration with local councils and state government to make the federal seat of North Sydney one of the first Net Zero Urban Energy Zones in Australia, as we transition to a fully electrified community as quickly as possible (target date 2035).
- Improved fuel emission standards and initiatives that increase the rate of adoption of electric vehicles across Australia.
- The gradual and planned removal of subsidies for coal and gas, with no new coal and gas extraction projects.
- Protecting and enhancing our green corridors that are fundamental to the nature of our community and ensuring that any infrastructure projects undertaken in our electorate provide solutions for the next century, including:
- demanding transparency from the Prime Minister on commitments related to the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link.
- calling for a suspension of any further work until key stakeholders (including local councils and resident groups) are satisfied that all alternatives have been fully explored and concerns addressed and mitigated.
So far, North Sydney has achieved:
- Successful amendment of the Safeguard Mechanism to prevent new or expanding fossil fuel projects from accessing government funding to pursue abatement.
- Introduction of the private members bill, 'Fuel and Vehicle Standards Legislation Amendment (Reducing Vehicle Pollution) Bill 2022', to improve fuel efficiency of cars in Australia and reduce fuel costs.
- Advocacy for a levy on the production and consumption of single use plastic items made from virgin plastic.
- Government assurance there would be no federal funding for the Western Harbour Tunnel or Northern Beaches Link.
- The inaugural Clean Energy Community Fair, with over 30 stalls run by vendors, service providers and councils offering to help households and businesses reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.
- Launch of 'Powering to Net Zero Energy', a guide to government incentives to help electrify homes and businesses in North Sydney.
Next Steps:
- Continue to work on vehicles emissions and fuel standards as a first meaningful step to cleaner air.
- Continue working with advocacy groups and businesses on the plastics and recycling industry.
- Advocate for stronger policy action consistent with the Samuels Review of the EPBC Act.
Teals demand 75pc emissions cut target by 2035
The Australian, 10 September 2024
“Our country’s 2035 emissions target must be in line with global efforts to achieve the Paris Agreement goal of keeping warming below two degrees Celsius," Kylea says. “Anything less than an ambitious, legislated 2035 target would not only be detrimental to our economy, the cost of living and our environment, but would ultimately be a slap in the face to future generations.”
Independents and the Greens are demanding an end to new gas projects
The Australian, 27 August 2024
"Australia doesn’t need new gas projects," Kylea says. "We must accelerate the transition towards cheaper, cleaner energy, not open up new gas projects. This includes reconsidering resource taxation and pursuing policies that help decarbonise and electrify the economy, and that support renters and households to get off gas."
Plastic pollution in Australia's oceans and waterways
Federation Chamber, 21 August 2024
Climate Change: Insurance
House of Representatives, 19 August 2024
In 2022, I left court in tears. Standing in parliament felt like deja vu
The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 July 2024
Youth climate activist Anjali Sharma explains in this op-ed why she and other young Australians want the government to legislate a Duty of Care.
Nature Positive Bill (Second Reading)
House of Representatives, 3 July 2024