In the media
Continued expansion of gas puts renewable energy transition at risk
Media release, 9 May 2024
At a time when climate scientists are warning we are on track to blast past the 1.5°c warming target, and when renewable energy projects are coming online at a record pace, it is dismaying to see the government unveil what we’re being told is a fleshed-out transition plan – but leading it with gas.
Continued and expanded fossil fuel use is out of step with global climate goals and risks hindering the transition to renewable energy. Locking in gas for decades and encouraging the use of CCS is not a pathway to a sustainable future.
This looks like 'gas-fired recovery' 2.0, reinforcing just how beholden to the gas industry our major political parties are.
One thing is clear. Opening up new fossil fuel projects will not help tackle climate change.
We need to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels towards cheaper, cleaner renewable sources of energy. Not open up new gas fields.
An accelerated renewable transition is not just necessary, but possible. According to the Climate Council, cutting emissions by 75 per cent this decade is achievable, but only through future-proofing the grid and powering it with renewable energy. More than 40 per cent of the electricity in our grid already comes from clean sources of power, and renewable energy and battery storage could meet almost all of Australia's electricity needs by 2030.
The IPCC is clear – additional supply beyond existing fossil fuel infrastructure will exceed the carbon budget for 1.5°c. We need to do better.
The community is demanding meaningful climate action, for a safe and sustainable future for the next generation, and my community can trust I’ll dig into the detail and come back with a balanced assessment.
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