In the media

For media inquiries with Kylea Tink please email: [email protected].

Teals 2.0: ‘People are dying to express their dislike for the majors’

Good Weekend, 18 October 2024

"There are 151 seats in the House of Reps at the moment and 151 seats are winnable [by community independents]," Kylea tells Brook Turner of The Age. "There’s that sort of sensible centre at the ­moment that’s missing in our political frame... If the Liberals aren’t able to move themselves back towards covering that, then I think there is an opportunity there to do something bigger in the next decade.”

Read the article here.

Tink Urges Parliamentary Standards to Align with Workplace Norms Across Australia

The Australian, 15 October 2024

The independence of parliamentary support services is questioned amid dispute within Marles' office. Kylea provides her stance, stating “The PWSS is absolutely there for staff but only to a point," emphasising that Australians want parliamentary standards aligned with workplace norms across the board.

Read the article here. ($)

‘Bullying’ allegations trigger independents’ demand for better behaviour in parliament

The Australian, 11 October 2024

Kylea has signed a letter to major party leaders calling on members of the House of Representatives to improve their behaviour in the chamber, citing Anthony Albanese’s remark that an opposition MP had Tourette syndrome and divisive rhetoric used in discussing the Middle East conflict as examples of poor behaviour.

Read the article here. ($)

'Poor workplace culture in parliament': Kylea calls for a better federal standard

The Australian, 10 October 2024

Kylea speaks out against poor workplace culture in parliament, stating that the government should "...set the standard for the rest of the nation and it’s past time for change."

Read the article here.

$3m super tax edges closer to reality

Financial Standard, 10 October 2024

Labor's $3 million superannuation tax has passed the lower house — without important amendments by Kylea that would have included indexation of the threshold and prevented the taxation of unrealised capital gains.

Read the article here.

Time for a check-up: hospitals not yet climate ready

AAP, 9 October 2024

Kylea is named among a group of independent parliamentarians who want Australia's hospitals to switch to safer, cheaper clean energy as part of a nationwide health response to climate change.

Read the article here.

North Sydney seat abolition confirmed

North Shore Living, 1 October 2024

Local media coverage of the AEC's final decision to abolish the Federal Seat of North Sydney.

Read the article on Page 10 here.

Teals lash Labor for coalmines decision

The Australian, 26 September 2024

Kylea has described the Albanese Government's approval of three coal mine extensions as “climate and environmental vandalism”. “This decision fails young people, and fails future generations,” she says.

Read the article here.

Albanese urged to ditch Howard-era native forest logging exemptions

The Guardian, 22 September 2024

Kylea is among a group of independent parliamentarians that has written to PM pushing for environment law reforms to remove exemptions for native forest logging.

Read the article here.

The teals stunned the nation in 2022. How have they changed the parliament?

Sydney Morning Herald, 21 September 2024

An analysis of how community independent crossbenchers have voted in parliament. Kylea is reported to have "campaigned for a human rights act, on climate change and against bullying in the parliament" so far, and will focus on affordable housing and climate action in the months ahead.

Read the article here.

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