A forward-focused economy

It’s not enough to be the lucky country – we have to be smart as well.

Kylea has committed to working towards:

  • An actionable and measurable plan which maps the decarbonisation of the Australian economy and prioritises reskilling, and greater support for tertiary education skills development; fosters a strong, diversified economy powered by well-educated and highly trained young Australians.
  • Greater federal investment in high growth, innovative green industries across our North Sydney community, to enable economic growth as we transition to a net zero carbon economy.
  • The development of a clean R&D and manufacturing high-tech corridor from North Sydney to Macquarie Park with greater investment in R&D and start-up incentives and support.
  • Prioritising targeted skilled migration to drive productivity, innovation and economic growth.
  • A focus on modernising industry which incentivises the production of green products (such as steel, green aluminium and green hydrogen) and provides a transition fund to support communities.
  • Greater support for small business driven by a sustainable recovery plan from COVID-19 with clear planning beyond the next election.

So far, North Sydney has achieved:

  • More protections for small- to medium-sized businesses within IR legislation. North Sydney was the only crossbench seat to secure an amendment to the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill which strengthens the representation by small to medium size construction companies.
  • Greater visibility of the work of local enterprises.

Next steps:

  • Advocate for more holistic tax reform, taking pressure off personal income and broadening the tax base including adequate review of PRRT.
  • Continue to push for government investment in future focused industries whilst advocating for articulated transition plans for receding industries.


Calls to change small business definition

ABC The World Today, 5 December 2024

Kylea is interviewed about her crossbench push to change the definition of a small business from the current maximum of 15 employees, to include those enterprises with up to 25 workers. The Federal Government has foreshadowed potentially revisiting the issue in the second half of next year.

Listen to the interview here

Teal MPs push for changes to 'small business' definition as election looms

ABC News, 5 December 2024

Kylea and seven other crossbench colleagues have called on the Government to change the definition of "small business" from organisations of up to 15 employees, to up to 25, to help smaller businesses comply with new Fair Work laws.

Read the article here

Future Made in Australia Bills 2024

House of Representatives, 27 November 2024

Life insurance and genetic testing

House of Representatives, 27 November 2024

$3m super tax edges closer to reality

Financial Standard, 10 October 2024

Labor's $3 million superannuation tax has passed the lower house — without important amendments by Kylea that would have included indexation of the threshold and prevented the taxation of unrealised capital gains.

Read the article here.

Paid Parental Leave: Superannuation Amendment

House of Representatives, 11 September 2024


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