Kylea shares her week
Week 28: The budget says it all...
The Morrison Government's pre-election budget is yet another display of short-termism and marketing tricks. There are sugar hits like one-off tax cuts, but – as Michael Pascoe explained in our Budget Analysis event this week – the spending spree will last six months at best before our economic growth collapses.
As a successful business leader, my experience over the past 35 years has taught me that you don’t drive a business by the dollars alone. You drive a business by formulating a strategic vision then allocating your resources towards those goals over time. So where is the government’s vision? Where is the long-term plan?
The North Sydney community has consistently called for the government to invest in climate action, political integrity, and critical services like education and health. These priorities were neglected almost entirely in this week’s Budget. The long-promised integrity commission will have no funding for staff for at least another year. And there was almost no evidence of any movement towards Net Zero, with more support going to gas and petrol than renewables and EVs.
The Budget also did not provide adequately for hospitals, like our Royal North Shore Hospital. When I visited the hospital this week to deliver meals with the wonderful Feed Our Medics team, I had a small glimpse of just how hard the past two years have been for our frontline workers, including nurses and midwives who were forced to take industrial action yesterday to draw attention to how the staffing crisis is putting lives at risk. The system is failing our frontline workers. Both federal and state governments must work together on a solution because what we have simply isn't good enough.
The status quo is not working. It is letting our community down, letting our frontline workers down, and letting our future generations down. But North Sydney, the election is coming and we can make a difference. Together, let's change the climate in Canberra.
KT x
Delivering lunches to the emergency staff at RNSH with Feed our Medics.
Recent blog posts
week 23: Cutting vehicle emissions with our new Private Members Bill
December 02, 2022
Earlier this year, in the months before the election, I promised to develop and introduce a Private Member's Bill that would deliver better, cleaner fuel to Australians and reduce pollution from our cars. That Bill was tabled in Parliament this week.
North Sydney's Reducing Vehicle Pollution Bill will bring Australian fuel quality in line with European standards, reducing the levels of sulphur and aromatics that they can contain.
Week 22: The National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill Passes the House
November 25, 2022
With just one sitting week remaining for Parliament in 2022, the past week in Canberra has definitely been full of robust debate, constructive discussion and ultimately some landmark legislative developments.
Week 21: What we're doing to strengthen the Anti-Corruption Bill
November 18, 2022
Our democracy will only ever be as strong as our willingness as citizens to actively contribute to any debate, and just on six months into this role, the capacity for me to truly listen to the many voices of North Sydney as they discuss proposed or needed legislative reform at the national level is without a doubt the most rewarding thing I get to do on a daily basis.
week 20: Speaking out for our community on climate change
November 11, 2022
Week 19: Getting IR Reforms Right
November 04, 2022
This week, I've been looking at the Government's 'Secure Jobs, Better Pay' Bill, a package of Industrial Relations (IR) changes that was introduced in Parliament in Budget week.
Week 18: What the Budget Means for North Sydney
October 28, 2022
This week, my team and I have been hard at work determining what the newly released Federal Budget means for North Sydney's priorities, and what needs to be done to ensure government initiatives actually deliver the changes that our community wants to see.
Week 17: Now's the time for economic reform as cost of living bites
October 14, 2022
All across Australia, costs of living are getting higher. I've heard this from many in our community and seen it first hand on my grocery and power bills. Households are under extraordinary pressure, and Parliament will need to consider what systemic changes we need to future proof our economy. |
Week 16: Why we need to work together to keep SBS in Artarmon
October 07, 2022
The Prime Minister announced today he backs the move of SBS to Western Sydney from its home of 30 years in Artarmon.
I believe the Prime Minister has jumped the gun on his position, with today’s media reports leaving us all questioning whether the Government’s commitment to a feasibility study was just a hollow promise, as it appears to have a foregone conclusion. |
Week 15: Why we need new integrity laws to build trust in our democracy
September 30, 2022
After years of newspaper reports of rorts, sexual misconduct and corruption in politics, Australians are losing faith in our democracy. We need to fix this urgently if Australia is to succeed in the long-term. |
Week 14: Our new, green Tantallon Oval is collaboration done right
September 23, 2022
Lane Cove's new, sustainable Tantallon Oval Pavillion is a great example of what we can achieve when we work together towards a common purpose. |
Every Friday
Kylea's newsletter hits the inboxes of people right across our electorate of North Sydney. Stay up to date with Kylea's plans and progress as she tells us about her week speaking with people in our community. We'll also highlight the latest community events and initiatives to get involved with.