Kylea shares her week
Week 24: Another warning that the world is running out of time to save ourselves from disaster
This week, as “one-in-a-thousand-year” rains wreaked destruction to the north, global climate scientists issued yet another warning that the world is running out of time to save ourselves from disaster.
The report is the latest in a series by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. And if the panel last year signalled a Code Red for the planet, this is Code Black: a frustrating, heartbreaking reminder of how governments have completely failed at enacting the change we need to secure a liveable climate for our children.
But now is the time for action, not dismay. As the IPCC report shows, the faster we cut emissions, the faster we stabilise the climate. This decade is our last best chance to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. And as Climate Energy Finance director Tim Buckley pointed out on Tea with Tink this week, the Federal Government is simply going in the wrong direction in its approach to energy markets, the economy and trade.
I’m working to change the climate in Canberra because I know we can and must do so much more to mitigate and prepare for the challenges ahead. If the past 3 years have shown us anything surely it is that talk of climate change coming is now outdated: Climate change is here. In acknowledging that, we enable ourselves to have meaningful and practical conversations about what we must do immediately - in terms of preparation and mitigation strategies, as well as what we do moving forward to try and reverse the devastating trends.
North Sydney, I know we can do better. Let's be the change we want to see.
Recent blog posts
week 23: Cutting vehicle emissions with our new Private Members Bill
December 02, 2022
Earlier this year, in the months before the election, I promised to develop and introduce a Private Member's Bill that would deliver better, cleaner fuel to Australians and reduce pollution from our cars. That Bill was tabled in Parliament this week.
North Sydney's Reducing Vehicle Pollution Bill will bring Australian fuel quality in line with European standards, reducing the levels of sulphur and aromatics that they can contain.
Week 22: The National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill Passes the House
November 25, 2022
With just one sitting week remaining for Parliament in 2022, the past week in Canberra has definitely been full of robust debate, constructive discussion and ultimately some landmark legislative developments.
Week 21: What we're doing to strengthen the Anti-Corruption Bill
November 18, 2022
Our democracy will only ever be as strong as our willingness as citizens to actively contribute to any debate, and just on six months into this role, the capacity for me to truly listen to the many voices of North Sydney as they discuss proposed or needed legislative reform at the national level is without a doubt the most rewarding thing I get to do on a daily basis.
week 20: Speaking out for our community on climate change
November 11, 2022
Week 19: Getting IR Reforms Right
November 04, 2022
This week, I've been looking at the Government's 'Secure Jobs, Better Pay' Bill, a package of Industrial Relations (IR) changes that was introduced in Parliament in Budget week.
Week 18: What the Budget Means for North Sydney
October 28, 2022
This week, my team and I have been hard at work determining what the newly released Federal Budget means for North Sydney's priorities, and what needs to be done to ensure government initiatives actually deliver the changes that our community wants to see.
Every Friday
Kylea's newsletter hits the inboxes of people right across our electorate of North Sydney. Stay up to date with Kylea's plans and progress as she tells us about her week speaking with people in our community. We'll also highlight the latest community events and initiatives to get involved with.