Newsletters 2024
Week 113: Now's the time to electrify everything
As we saw last week, with the Labor Government's disappointing approval of three coal mine expansions, Australia's progress towards a safer, more sustainable climate can sometimes seem like a frustrating dance of two steps forward, one step back. Still, we in North Sydney continue to push towards our climate goals. With the Powering to Net Zero North Sydney volunteer working group, my team and I have been seeking out ways to help local homes and businesses electrify everything. Renewable energy solutions are becoming cheaper, more reliable and more efficient every day. And there is no room for fossil fuels in our zero-emissions future. This means gas appliances and petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles must eventually be replaced with more efficient alternatives. The average Australian household that switches from fossil fuels to electricity and efficient electric devices for transport, cooking and heating benefits on three fronts. Firstly, annual household energy emissions decrease from 11 tonnes to zero tonnes. Secondly, daily energy usage reduces by about two-thirds to 37 kilowatts per hour, according to estimates by Rewiring Australia. Thirdly, households save around $3,000-$5,000 per year. Ultimately, electrification is a win for our household budgets, a win for our climate, and — especially in the case of gas cooktops — a win for our health, by avoiding the the noxious indoor air pollutants that can cause a range of serious health problems for children and people with asthma. With the Bureau of Meteorology forecasting another "unusually warm" end of year and families continuing to struggle with the cost-of-living crisis, now is the time to review your household energy use, invest in solar and batteries, and think about electric alternatives to any appliances that need replacing. Check out the Powering to Net Zero North Sydney website for some ideas on how to improve your energy efficiency and the local, state and federal government support that is available. You may also be interested in these new incentives from the NSW Government:
I'll be back in Canberra next week for Parliamentary Sittings and am looking forward to some big discussions about aged care, misinformation laws, doxing, and early childhood education and care. Thank you as always for your continued support and please keep that feedback coming! |
- KT |
Amid Australia’s chaotic climate politics, the rooftop solar boom is an unlikely triumph - The Guardian, 1 October 2024. There’s now more rooftop solar than coal-fired power. The key question is what policymakers can learn from its success Rooftop Solar and Storage Report, January to June 2024 - Clean Energy Council, 25 September 2024. Rooftop solar now accounts for over 11 per cent of Australia's total electricity generation and is expected to surpass the nation's coal-fired power capacity by the end of the year. Rewiring North Sydney - Rewiring Australia. A report on the benefits of home electrification for the North Sydney electorate. |
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Every Friday
Kylea's newsletter hits the inboxes of people right across our electorate of North Sydney. Stay up to date with Kylea's plans and progress as she tells us about her week speaking with people in our community. We'll also highlight the latest community events and initiatives to get involved with.