Have your say
Budget 2023-24 Community Survey
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2024 Community Survey
North Sydney residents are invited to weigh in on the issues that matter most to you, to ensure Kylea is focused on the community's top priorities.
Have your say on Childcare
Kylea will be hosting the North Sydney Childcare Forum to identify practical and effective policy solutions to improve the affordability and accessibility of early childhood education and care in Australia. We'd love to hear from you: to improve childcare affordability and accessibility, what’s the one big policy idea that you think we should push Canberra to consider?
National Disability Foundational Supports
Many people with disability do not qualify for the NDIS, but need more support than what is currently available in the community. That’s where the new disability Foundational Supports can help. The DSS is calling for feedback on the design and delivery of these new supports.
The harms of social media on young people
There is a growing conversation around the potential harmful impacts of social media on young people- particularly when it comes to their mental health - and we would like to hear your thoughts.
Baby Boomer Community Services Survey
The Northern Sydney Local Health District and USYD have begun recruiting participants for their survey to assess expectations for aged care services and accommodation infrastructure amongst baby boomers in Australia. They are investigating if existing aged care services and infrastructure will meet BB expectations as they become octogenarians. They will also identify changes needed to support services and infrastructure for the BB cohort.
Housing Bill Inquiry Submission
The Private Members Bill Senator Pocock and introduced to parliament has now been referred to an Economics Legislation Committee Inquiry. This process enables others from across our community to have their say on this important piece of legislation as, as it currently stands, the government is resisting legislating it. Given this, if you would like to offer your expertise or opinion in this area, I would encourage you to make a submission.
Every Friday
Kylea's newsletter hits the inboxes of people right across our electorate of North Sydney. Stay up to date with Kylea's plans and progress as she tells us about her week speaking with people in our community. We'll also highlight the latest community events and initiatives to get involved with.