Kylea shares her week
Week 5: Entering politics wasn’t something I thought I would do
When people ask me why I decided to run as North Sydney’s Independent in the next Federal election I almost always stumble. Not because I don’t know why but because I often don’t know where to begin.
I can honestly say entering politics wasn’t something I thought I would do.
For 30 years I’ve worked on the edges of government: initially developing community campaigns to lift our society, then working directly with health service delivery. From there I entered consultancy and began advocating for improved access to breakthrough treatments and increased health education and awareness.
In 2008, when someone I admired passed away, I suddenly found myself working in the not-for-profit space. Not because it was a career ambition: it was actually far from it. But because I thought I might be able to help. That then led to 6 extraordinary years reshaping how families experiencingbreast cancer are supported across our country.
Once finished there then, and whilst meant to be “having a break”, I ended up helping a group of people to advocate for fair and compassionate treatment for kids seeking asylum in Australia. To do this we coined the phrase “We’re Better Than This Australia (#WBTTAus)”. Such a simple idea but one that resonated with me so strongly– not just for what we were doing, but for all of the work I had done up until that time.
I’ve since worked with: people to support kids through grief; families experiencing premature birth; provision of ambulance services; kids facing cancer; and most recently vulnerable young Australians and, much of my work has involved working with government at various levels to bring about a significant positive change.
I’ve been comfortable on the edge of government … right up until the point the team at North Sydney’s Independent (NSI) found me and asked if I would consider stepping inside the system to help ensure the North Sydney Electorate’s voice - our community’s voice, was truly being heard when it mattered.
At first, I thought it was a “nice conversation”: surely not something that was seriously an option. But then I started looking at what was going on at the federal government level and once seen, I simply couldn’t ignore it.
Suddenly I could see behaviour the likes of which would not be tolerated in any work environment I have been in. Disrespect, misdirection, promises made and not honoured, people blatantly “buying” favour while those with sincere concerns are told to “wait”. Promised legislative reform that simply never eventuated as politicians tell our electorate one thing, but then vote on important legislation whichever way “their party” dictates.
What I saw was incongruent with what I believed should be the case and so here I am again: working with an incredible group of people, my community - to try and put something right. Thank you for inviting me to be a part of this with you. I’m humbled and promise I will give it all I have got. Ultimately though we are in this together so let’s change the climate in Canberra,
Recent blog posts
week 23: Cutting vehicle emissions with our new Private Members Bill
December 02, 2022
Earlier this year, in the months before the election, I promised to develop and introduce a Private Member's Bill that would deliver better, cleaner fuel to Australians and reduce pollution from our cars. That Bill was tabled in Parliament this week.
North Sydney's Reducing Vehicle Pollution Bill will bring Australian fuel quality in line with European standards, reducing the levels of sulphur and aromatics that they can contain.
Week 22: The National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill Passes the House
November 25, 2022
With just one sitting week remaining for Parliament in 2022, the past week in Canberra has definitely been full of robust debate, constructive discussion and ultimately some landmark legislative developments.
Week 21: What we're doing to strengthen the Anti-Corruption Bill
November 18, 2022
Our democracy will only ever be as strong as our willingness as citizens to actively contribute to any debate, and just on six months into this role, the capacity for me to truly listen to the many voices of North Sydney as they discuss proposed or needed legislative reform at the national level is without a doubt the most rewarding thing I get to do on a daily basis.
week 20: Speaking out for our community on climate change
November 11, 2022
Week 19: Getting IR Reforms Right
November 04, 2022
This week, I've been looking at the Government's 'Secure Jobs, Better Pay' Bill, a package of Industrial Relations (IR) changes that was introduced in Parliament in Budget week.
Week 18: What the Budget Means for North Sydney
October 28, 2022
This week, my team and I have been hard at work determining what the newly released Federal Budget means for North Sydney's priorities, and what needs to be done to ensure government initiatives actually deliver the changes that our community wants to see.
Every Friday
Kylea's newsletter hits the inboxes of people right across our electorate of North Sydney. Stay up to date with Kylea's plans and progress as she tells us about her week speaking with people in our community. We'll also highlight the latest community events and initiatives to get involved with.