Pages tagged "policy_community"
Liberal MP Paul Fletcher sees red over teals, but look deeper and there's more at play
ABC News, 4 December 2024
The May 2022 rise of community independent parliamentarians is "a straightforward [story] of constituency neglect, which almost always drives the emergence of fringe or third-party groupings in this country", Annabel Crabb writes in ABC News.
Independent raises alarm on social media ban
ABC Radio National, 29 November 2024
Despite growing ranks opposing the bill, a ban on social media for under 16s passed the Senate late on the final sitting day of the year. In a radio interview about the ban, Kylea warns that the Bill "doesn't do what it says on the tin".
Australia Has Barred Everyone Under 16 From Social Media. Will It Work?
New York Times, 29 November 2024
The New York Times covers Australia's new social media law, noting that how the restriction will be enforced online remains an open question. Kylea has said that law would stop short of holding social media companies accountable for the safety of the product they are providing. “They are not fixing the potholes; they are just telling our kids there won’t be any cars,” she is quoted as saying.
Raise Our Voice competition
House of Representatives, 28 November 2024
Joint media conference on Build to Rent legislation
Media conference, 27 November 2024
Housing Minister Clare O'Neil has acknowledged the work of Kylea and others on the crossbench in working towards ways to address Australia's housing crisis. Kylea has described the Build to Rent legislation, which was developed and passed with the support of a broad coalition of parliamentarians, industry groups and social services organisations, as "a milestone in moving ourselves forward as a nation ... This is the best of public policy development: when we lean in together to overcome our differences, to ultimately put the solution at the front of what we're trying to achieve for Australians."
North Sydney Olympic Pool
House of Representatives, 27 November 2024
Second Reading: Social Media Minimum Age Bill 2024
House of Representatives, 26 November 2024
Social Media Minimum Age Bill 2024
House of Representatives, 26 November 2024
Does Elon Musk have a point?
The Nightly, 26 November 2024
Nobody opposes efforts to safeguard young people on the internet — but Kylea is named among "a formidable crowd of academics, mental health, legal and children’s rights groups are lining up to warn that a blunt ban is not the way the way to solve such a complex and nuanced problem."
'Detrimental impact': Independent MP Kylea Tink opposes social media ban
ABC News, 21 November 2024
Kylea says she will oppose the proposed social media ban, describing the plans as an example of Labor chasing headlines over substantive policy reform. "If what's being dished up on social media is having a negative impact on young people, then platforms should be held to account for how that content is moderated," she says.